Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My Little Ones

Alianna just turned one, she is learning so much everyday; Anthony is a little me, terrorizing the school grounds and stomping on a football field; Abigail is 9 and in fourth grade, she is so talented at everything!! Time seems to be going by too quickly, I can't believe how much my children have grown already. I am going to miss these days. Thank goodness we'll have at least a couple of photos to remember them by!!

Class of 2009

I want to thank all of you who choose to allow me to photograph you this summer! I really enjoyed the time we spent together. I cannot believe you are all getting ready to graduate...I remember those faces as little fifth graders!! Best of luck to all of you this year as you embark in the next stage of your life.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Portraits for Profit

Jessica said she liked "artistic black and whites" but when I met her I knew she was screaming for bold color as well. We spent a morning together that soon became afternoon; Jessica was such a pleasure to spend time with. Jessica is one of my last seniors this season and I can't help but think back to all of the wonderful young adults I had the chance to re-connect with this summer. My goal this summer was to really try to "make photos" that were true portraits of my subjects rather than "take pictures" of them. I tried to bring out each person's uniqueness and character and let them be who they are. I also strived to bring them to new locations, or shoot familiar locations differently so thier photos didn't look like everyone elses. I am happy with what I was able to accomplish this summer and Jessica's portraits are just the icing I needed for the cake.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Angelic Eyes

Angela, of Dirigo High School, decided to wait until she had her braces removed before having her senior portraits taken. The idea was to allow for a new, bright smile but it seemed as though her eyes stole the show! Angela has eyes that truly open up to her soul and reveal her sweet innocence. We had planned an outdoor session as well but once again Mother Nature decided to bestow rain upon us so we decided on a studio session instead.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

No. 50

Mountain Valley's Brian Cogley saved his portrait session for the end of the summer. We spent an hour downtown getting him some images for the yearbook. Here are some of the photos from his day.

Wake up, little Suzie, wake up...

Suzanne of Mountain Valley high school wasn't sleepy, so pardon the "Simon and Garfunkel" reference, she was however very excited for her day in the sun. Thats what we had too, sun! We traveled out to Bethel, hit Howard Pond on the way back and finished at the studio. Suzanne was one of the students I remember from MVMS who always made her presence known, she has matured a great deal since those days but her bright personality still shines through. Great job, little Suzie, great job!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Alyssa May

Darcy and Kippy Merrill recently welcomed their newest addition, Alyssa May. Here are some photos from her newborn session.
Congrats Darcy and Kip!

A beautiful late summer wedding...

John and Tasha said thier vows on a pleasent August afternoon. It was a day filled with sun, clouds, and a little rain. The temperature was perfect, the energy was strong, and two people came together in love. John and Tasha are beautiful people and I can only wish them the best as they grow closer together.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Getting Comfortable

Jeff Pierce, of Mountain Valley High, seemed a bit nervous when we first started. He doesn't speak out too much and it took me a while to get some true expressions. Once we were done though we caught some nice moments that show Jeff as the nice and sincere young man he is.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Your life as a cartoon...

Logan Dolloff of MVHS has really absorbed himself in the Japanese Anime culture. His interests influence his activities. When he told me he wanted to wear Japanese garb for some of the "fun" photos I couldn't help but think of Logan as a Japanese cartoon. I tried to pull it off; not quite what I had in mind exactly, but all in all it was just for fun anyway. Logan's yearbook photo will come from his "chipmunk rock" series. We also had fun with his trombone with some stage lighting.