Sunday, July 27, 2008

My little girl...

I was working on some images in the studio this morning while hanging out with my children. My baby daughter Alianna was being a ham making faces and crawling all over everything. I couldn't take it anymore so I took out the camera and quickly snapped a photograph. The pouty lip was just a bonus she gave to me!

John & Tasha

Next month John and Tasha will be getting married! We got together for some pre-wedding photos which I think was a great idea because they really loosened up to the idea of having their photos taken. It was almost another rain out, instead we were left with muggy and buggy! John and Tasha were great sports tromping around town and almost getting run over by a train, (not really but it makes a good story!) I can't wait to watch this couple unite in marriage, they are so good together!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Rain, Rain Go Away!

Once again the weather cut a session in half! Caitlin O'Connell, of Mountain Valley HS, had ideas for some outside portraits but we were limited to the studio on yet another wet and dreary afternoon. It always seams to be sunny when you don't want it to be and raining when you need it to be sunny!

Caitlin seemed nervous at first but soon settled down once she realized I just wanted her to be herself. One of my favorite images of the session was the one on the white chair. I didn't pose her that way, I was moving a light and looked up and she was resting like that. I told her "hold that pose" and shot away. Towards the end of the session I saw some yawns...sorry Caitlin if I kept you up past your bed time, you did such a great job!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Pillow Fight?

Sarah Graham, of Mountain Valley HS, came to her session prepared! She found a picture on the internet that she liked with throw pillows so she decided to make her own pillow cases. I was pondering when her and her mom came into the studio with three large garbage bags filled with what appeared to be clothes. When they started pulling out the pillows I immediatly felt good about the session to come. It is always a help when the subject is invested in their own portraits. My goal is to try to capture the person as who they are, when they come with thoughts and ideas I am able to accomplish that.

Sarah is booked for a "Beach Bum" package but Mother Nature prevented us from traveling to Pine Point; too far of a drive for possible thunderstorms in the forecast. I wish I lived closer to the coast because on the beach with intense stormy skys in the background would be nice. Soaking wet in the rain...not so good.

Sarah was so much fun in the studio, I can't wait to see what we come up with at the coast when we go. Stay tuned!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Baby Henry

Henry John Waleik came into the world on Sunday, June 29th at 4:15 am. He weighed 8.05 lbs. and measured 22 inches.
Adam, Abby, and Jack brought their new bundle of joy to my studio for the Newborn Session of thier "Watch Me Grow" package and Henry wanted nothing to do with it. In fact, Jack didn't like it either! We got a few shots, but not really what we wanted. (I guess week old babies kind of control everything!)
I traveled to the Waleik's house for an early morning photo shoot. I think Jack and Henry were more comfortable in their own surroundings.
These are a couple of the pictures from the sessions. Congratulations Waleik's on your new baby boy!

What a surprise!

Kristi Bennet of Mountain Valley called and told me she wanted pictures taken at a family house. Typically I am nervous about this and told her I would take a trip there to scout out the location. Time passed on and I never got the chance to go see the property so after our studio session I traveled to the house with blind ambition. I don't think I doubted her at all, but I was surprised on what a great location it was! Kristi has such a pretty smile and sparkling eyes, she was so easy to photograph. These are some of my favorites from the session.

Marissa, Mountain Valley High School

The day Marissa Gauvin came to the studio to do her portraits was by far one of the muggiest days of the summer, but just like the comercial says "never let them see you sweat" Marissa endured. We started off in the AC off the studio which was the easy part, even with Myles Mercier making faces at her. Outside we ventured to a few local spots and tried to keep the bugs away and came up with some beautiful portraits. Marissa is a talented and bright young lady and I am excited about her future.

Here is a sampling of what we came up with that day.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Kassi's Photos

Beach Bum!

Vanessa Blouin was the first to book my new "Beach Bum" session. She, along with her friend Kassi Mann traveled to Popham Beach for thier senior portraits. We had such luck with the weather; not too hot, not too cold, and not raining! We first made a stop at Bates College to "powder our noses" and then took advantage of the quad for a few shots. We explored the Fort Popham, took walks on the beach, ate dinner at Spinney's, and then enjoyed a beautiful fast paced sunset on the warf. We still have to take the studio portraits for the session but here are a few photos from the beach!

I still have spots open for the "Beach Bum" session. If you are interested give me a call at 364-4389 or email me at

Sam's Senior Session

It is going to be an amazing summer for me since I am going to be able to see many of the students of the Class of 2009. Years ago when this class was in fifth grade I began to work with them in the school. (My other job as an educator.) I followed that class all the way through middle school. So, when Samantha Martineau showed up at my doorstep I was blown away by how much she had grown up. I remember Sam as the little girl with cut up knees terrorizing all the boys on the playground! She has matured into a beautiful young woman.

Sam took advantage of an early booking discount and saved $40 on her session. Check out some of her portraits!

What a difference a year makes!

Recently I had the opportunity to re-photograph a baby that I had a newborn session with. Diana is a year now and she is just as cute as ever! We wanted to do something outside but I took along the chair that she had her photos taken on last time. We braved the ticks and went into the middle of an 80 acre hay field. Diana didn't enjoy the hat but later when we had a cupcake picnic she was thrilled! Here are a couple of my favorites from the session as well as one of her newborn photos.