Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Rain, Rain Go Away!

Once again the weather cut a session in half! Caitlin O'Connell, of Mountain Valley HS, had ideas for some outside portraits but we were limited to the studio on yet another wet and dreary afternoon. It always seams to be sunny when you don't want it to be and raining when you need it to be sunny!

Caitlin seemed nervous at first but soon settled down once she realized I just wanted her to be herself. One of my favorite images of the session was the one on the white chair. I didn't pose her that way, I was moving a light and looked up and she was resting like that. I told her "hold that pose" and shot away. Towards the end of the session I saw some yawns...sorry Caitlin if I kept you up past your bed time, you did such a great job!

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